Friday, April 29, 2005

Happy (Real) Good Friday

No, there is nothing wrong with the dates on my blog; today is in fact Good Friday... for the Eastern Orthodox, anyway.
Orthodox Easter is usually later than Western Easter, though it coincides every couple of years (it was the same last year and will be again in 2007). My wife Maude (who is Eastern Orthodox) claims their dating method is superior as it ensures that Easter is always after Passover. I have to admit that it is a little silly to celebrate Easter three weeks before the Last Supper would have taken place.

The traditional greeting for Ortho-Easter is, "Christ has risen!" to which you respond, "Indeed, he has risen!" but usually in the native language of whichever church you are visiting. Arwyn had a post about this back on Fake Easter (as my wife calls it). I like this tradition, as it focuses our attention on the miracle of the resurrection.

So to all of you, Christ has risen!


lochan said...

Indeed, he has risen!

Bryce said...

Ditto lchan