Monday, September 26, 2005

Rough Stone Rolling release party?

With the release of the highly anticipated Rough Stone Rolling just minutes away, I have to ask, where is the excitement? To my knowledge, Deseret Book doesn't have any midnight release parties, and no members of the bloggernacle are headed off to the bookstore in their best Porter Rockwell costume. This is our Harry Potter, people! Supposedly, my copy left the warehouse today. We'll see if Amazon delivers it as timely as it did my wife's copy of the Half-Blood Prince.

I can't make any promises about staying up and reading all 768 pages straight through, though.


NFlanders said...

160 pages? I am impressed, RT. Did they try to get you to move on while you read? You must be a fast reader like my wife.

You get my vote for RSR Fan-Boy, no replica Jupiter medallion needed.

lochan said...

I'm #1 in line for holds with the library. Does that count for something?

NFlanders said...

You get runner-up, Laura. Brigham Young (if not Joseph) would be very pleased with your thrift. I hope you don't have to wait too long for them to bind it and catalogue it.

There are tons of Mormon Studies books that I'd love to read but not quite buy, but unfortunately my local library doesn't seem to share my interests. They have exactly seven books on Mormonism, and one is the Book of Mormon.

Ann said...

Ned, two words: Interlibrary Loan.

NFlanders said...

That makes a lot more sense, RT. I thought you had super-human stamina.

I don't know how well replica medallions would sell, considering most people have never heard of this before. If we can get Deseret Book to pick them up, then we'll be rich. Who would want a boring YM medallion when you could have a Joseph Smith original?

Actually I was going to write a light-hearted post comparing the similarities between the new Sudoku craze and Joseph's medallion.

Ann-- This will sound stupid, but I'm usually too bashful to use the ILL. Maybe if I can do it online, I will do it.